Have you received an email or letter from the company saying your details have been affected?
Do you have a copy? PLEASE NOTE: Keller Postman will require a copy of the email received when they get in touch with you.. If you do not have a copy you will be required to sign a Statement of Truth.
Are you the lead passenger on any booking?
How have you been affected by this data breach?
Fraudulent transactions
Card cancelled
Personal distress
Spam emails
None of the above
Other (please say)
Further details of the other way you have been affected
Have you already joined the claim via one of the legal firms taking action on Easyjet?
No, I haven't already signed up to the claim
Yes, I joined the Keller Postman claim
Yes, I joined Leigh Day claim
Yes, I joined the HNK Solicitors claim
Yes, I joined the Johnson Law claim
I can't remember